Does Artificial Grass for Pebble Beach Putting Green Go Dormant?
Nothing beats playing a short game in your backyard Pebble Beach putting green. It’s relaxing and fun, and it keeps you in shape. But the problem is that natural grass can go dormant, which can put a damper on your golf play. But don’t fret! Artificial grass is a great alternative to natural turf that will never go dormant, so you can play golf all year long.
Why Does Natural Grass Go Dormant?
As the temperature drops in the fall and winter, grass will enter its dormant phase. During this time, the grass slows down its growth rate and turns brown. It also becomes more susceptible to disease and pests.If your putting green is getting brown spots or is just not looking as lush as it used to, that’s likely because your grass is going dormant.
Sunlight is one of the several factors that play into dormancy in natural grass. If there’s not enough sunlight available or if there’s too much, then it will enter into a resting state until things return to normal again.
Another factor contributing to why natural grass in a Pebble Beach putting green goes dormant is temperature. Temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit at night can trigger dormancy in natural grass. The same results occur when it’s above 50 degrees Fahrenheit during the day.
So pay attention to your weather. Have you been experiencing unusually warm or dry weather for an extended period? If so, your natural putting green could need some TLC—and soon!
What Can You Do When Your Golf Turf Goes Dormant?
There’s no way to revive dormant grass. When your putting green is covered with grass that has gone into dormancy, all you can do is remove it and grow new grass. That can take a lot of time, money and effort.
You can’t do anything to prevent dormancy, but you can prepare your putting green for it. You can take steps like aerating, fertilizing and irrigating your putting green to keep it in good shape when dormancy hits. Unfortunately, that also means more upkeep work and less time to play on your putting green.
Why Does Artificial Turf in Monterey, CA Not Go Dormant?
The reason why artificial grass doesn’t go dormant is that it is not a real plant. Artificial grass is made from synthetic materials, and it doesn’t have a root system. In short, it does not need the same things that a real plant needs: sunlight, water and nutrients.
Likewise, temperatures that can cause real grass to go dormant don’t have the same effect on synthetic grass. Only extremely high and low temperatures have an impact on artificial turf.
How Do Putting Greens Benefit From Grass That Never Goes Dormant?
Artificial grass that doesn’t go dormant retains the perfect pile height and ball roll quality for golf. You don’t have to worry about changing the height of your grass or adding sand to keep your putting greens lively.
Synthetic turf is also not susceptible to mold, turf diseases and pests that can ruin putting greens. It also means that you don’t have to deal with dry spots and bald patches that come with dormant grass.
Install Artificial Grass Monterey for Hassle-Free Putting Greens
If you’re tired of dealing with dormant grass, we can help. Here at Monterey Artificial Grass, we will help you find the best turf solution for your putting green. We have everything you could need, from artificial grass products for golf to landscaping solutions.
If you have any questions or need more information, contact us online or by phone at 408-723-4954.