How to Clean Potty Areas on Artificial Turf for Dogs in Monterey

How to Clean Pet Poop From Artificial Turf for Dogs_Monterey

It’s hard to remove dog poop completely from natural grass. Its traces can linger on for months or even years, causing a lingering stench and attracting pests like ticks and fleas. The great news is that there’s a way to make potty area cleanups a breeze. Just install artificial turf for dogs in Monterey in your yard.

Why Is It Hard to Clean Off Dog Poop From Lawns?

Dog poop tends to cling to grass, so even if you pick it up, it can leave behind traces that could make someone sick. If you try rinsing off the residue with water, you’ll risk turning the grass soggy and the ground muddy. Freshly-mowed lawns are slippery enough as is—you don’t need extra moisture making things worse.

The excess water can also create a smelly puddle that can spread around poop and create contaminated water runoff. At this point, you can either try to hose off the stagnant water or wait for it to dry on its own. Moreover, if that wasn’t bad enough, fecal residues often harbor harmful germs and bacteria that can make you and your dogs sick.

How Does Artificial Grass Make Poop Cleanups Easier?

Artificial turf for dogs in Monterey is made of durable, synthetic materials. So you can rinse, scrub, and wash its potty areas as much as you want without any risk of turning your lawn soggy or drowning it.

It’s also water resistant and has proprietary drainage. So all the water that you use to clean up poop residue will just slip off the turf and go straight to its drainage system. In short, there won’t be any smelly or muddy puddles after cleanups.

All of this means that your lawn will dry quickly after a cleanup. You can even disinfect and deodorize artificial grass afterward to get rid of germs and any lingering smells.

Want to go the extra mile from the get-go? Ask your turf installer about adding deodorizing infill when they install your synthetic lawn.

How to Clean Off Dog Poop From Artificial Lawns

Cleaning up dog poop from artificial grass in Monterey is an easy process. All you need to do is follow these simple steps:

  1. Prepare your cleanup tools, which could include a pooper scooper, plastic bag, brush and cleaning solutions.
  2. Pick up feces, place it in a plastic bag, then discard it properly. Wait for wet or moist poop to dry before picking it up to avoid messy removals.
  3. Rinse the potty area thoroughly with water until no more traces of poop remain visible on the turf.
  4. Scrub off any stubborn traces using a brush and a cleaning solution. Rinse off the area once you’re done.
  5. Spray the affected area with a disinfectant to prevent bacteria buildup and mold growth.
  6. Apply a deodorizer if necessary.

Not sure how to clean up pet urine in artificial grass? Check out this guide.

Install Artificial Grass in Monterey for Easier Pet Waste Cleanups

It’s time to get your lawn in order. If you want to pet-proof it the pet-friendly way using synthetic pet turf, we have you covered here at Monterey Artificial Grass.

We have everything you need, from artificial grass products for dogs to landscaping solutions and installation services. So what are you waiting for? Contact us online or call us at 408-723-4954 today!

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