Protect Your Yard Against Mold with Artificial Turf in Monterey CA

Mold is a real threat to natural lawns. It’s nearly impossible to detect and by the time you do notice it, you could have a huge problem on your hands.

Once you have mold in your yard, it’s almost impossible to get rid of. So the best thing for you to do is keep it from becoming a problem in the first place. That’s where artificial turf in Monterey CA comes in.

natural grass molds

How Mold Kills Natural Lawns

Moist soil and grass give mold spores a nice wet environment to grow in and will spread like wildfire across your yard if you let it get that far. 

The symptoms include discolored leaves, brown spots, thinned blades of grass and even patches where it appears there’s no grass at all. If you don’t detect any mold immediately in these initial stages, it will spread rapidly throughout your yard and will become much more difficult to stop.

If you’ve ever had a problem with mold or mildew in your lawn, you already know how bad it can get. It’s very unpleasant to look at, but the bigger problem is that these spores are toxic for people and pets too.

Artificial Turf in Monterey CA: The Mold-Resistant Alternative

If you want to prevent mold and mildew in your yard, the best thing you can do is replace natural grass with artificial turf

The reason is that mold spores simply cannot grow on artificial turf. Artificial turf doesn’t retain moisture the way natural grass does. There’s no organic material for mold to take hold in the first place.

And since you never need to water your lawn with artificial turf, you don’t give mold a chance to develop.

Prevent Lawn Disease with Artificial Grass in Monterey

Aside from mold, artificial grass also nips most lawn diseases in the bud. For instance, it can help prevent the following:

  • Dollar Spot
  • Red Thread
  • Rust
  • Gray Leaf Spot
  • Fairy Ring

Dollar spot is a fungal disease that causes yellow patches to form in your lawn. Red thread causes thin blades of grass and brown spots to appear. And rust leaves reddish-brown pustules on the blades of grass.

These diseases and more can all be avoided by getting rid of your natural lawn and putting in artificial turf in Monterey.

Enjoy a Fresh and Healthy-Looking Lawn with Artificial Grass!

You and your loved ones deserve a clean and beautiful outdoor living area. Artificial turf makes this possible by protecting your yard against mold, mildew, disease, pests and weeds.

What’s more, artificial grass is very easy to maintain, whether you have a synthetic backyard, pet run or a Pebble Beach putting green. It never needs watering or mowing, so you can spend more time on the things you want to do rather than on yard work. 

We’d love to give you a free, no-obligation quote on artificial turf today! Let’s lock in your spot – call us at 408-723-4954 or send us a message!

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