The Top 6 Most Toxic Weeds For Dogs: How Artificial Turf for Dogs in Monterey Can Help

Artificial Turf for Dogs in Monterey

Most homeowners detest dealing with weeds. It’s a never-ending chore. You pull out plants and more pop up to take their place. Maybe you apply some weed killer to hold it back for a few weeks.

But you can’t keep drenching your yard with chemicals and eventually the weeds win. That is, until you switch to artificial turf for dogs in Monterey.

If you have dogs, you need to be extra cautious. Many common weeds are poisonous to dogs, creating health problems ranging from mild rashes to life-threatening anaphylactic shock. Others can cause serious digestive problems for your pet.

Let’s take a closer look at which weeds are toxic to pets and how to stop them with artificial turf for dogs in Monterey.

Common Weeds that are Poisonous to Dogs

  • Stinging Nettle

    Also known as burn nettle and nettle leaf, this weed is found in many yards throughout Monterey. It’s a perennial plant whose leaves, stem and roots contain chemicals that cause severe skin reactions when they come in contact with your dog. Symptoms include swelling, pain, itching, redness of the skin and blisters.

  • Milk Thistle

    Milk thistle is a biennial flowering herb that can grow up to seven feet high. The leaves and seeds of the plant are the most problematic for pets because they produce toxins that affect nerve function and blood cells.

  • Common Hogweed

    Common hogweed is an invasive broadleaf weed often found in yards and areas with moist soil. If you have this weed on your property, keep your dogs away from it because the sap in its stem and leaves can cause severe skin reactions in exposed pets.

  • Daffodil

    Surprised to see this on the list? Keep in mind that a daffodil does not refer to the decorative plants that often brighten up yards during springtime.

    Instead, this is a type of narcissus that causes severe digestive issues when ingested by dogs, including vomiting and diarrhea. Ingestion can also cause cardiac problems for pets, resulting in low blood pressure and arrhythmia.

  • Foxtails

    Most dog owners are familiar with this weed, which is found in many of the places dogs love to roll around.

    That’s because it contains barbs that detach easily and get lodged in animals’ paws, ears, noses and eyes. If the weed gets stuck in your dog’s ear canal or nostrils, they can swell up dangerously.

  • Yarrow

    Also known as nosebleed plant or bloodwort, this weed contains chemicals that can cause skin irritation and nosebleeds. If your pet ingests the plant, it could also result in digestive problems, including vomiting and diarrhea.

Artificial Grass in Monterey, Weeds and Pet Safety

Because many homeowners don’t know how to identify poisonous weeds, it can be too late before they realize their pet has consumed parts of them or gotten tangled up in the roots.

Replacing natural grass with synthetic turf can prevent this problem altogether because of its weed-fighting elements:

The excavation

The first part of installation is excavating the area up to a depth of six inches. That’s deep enough to remove the topsoil, weeds and grass roots from your backyard.

The sub-base

This is the layer that works as a foundation for artificial grass. It’s typically made of crushed gravel, which creates a protective barrier that prevents the weed seeds from spreading.

The weed barrier

The installation also includes a special weed barrier or landscaping fabric that prevents weeds from growing underneath the turf.

The artificial turf fibers

The final layer is made up of tightly-woven synthetic turf fibers that are resistant to weed seeds. This means they won’t grow through the turf no matter how hard they try.

Bonus: Everything on this list makes pet turf so easy to clean!

Get a FREE Quote on Synthetic Turf in Monterey!

Artificial lawns are beneficial for more reasons than weed prevention, but the fact that they prevent weeds from growing is one that should stand out to homeowners who are concerned about the safety of their pets.

If you’d like more information about artificial grass, call Monterey Artificial Grass today at 408-723-4954 or send us a message.

Aside from residential and commercial landscaping, we also install artificial grass in Monterey for safe, beautiful and pet-friendly spaces throughout the area.

We look forward to working with you soon!

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